Sunday 6 March 2011

Welcome Fellow Challenged Knitters!

I am a challenged knitter. I love to it! I could sit for hours on end knitting project after project if only my 4 year old and 8 month old could take care of themselves, my house was self-cleaning and we ate take out 3 meals per day seven days a week! Unfortunately, real life limits how often I can sit and knit!

I learned how to knit from my very talented Mother who is endlessly patient with me as I take on projects that are beyond my skill level. She regularly helps me correct my many, many mistakes and explains things to me over and over again! My Mom once tried to teach me how to knit socks using the "magic loop" and I never got past the ribbing because I could not for the life of me figure out which way to knit the yarn.

So...what makes me The Challenged Knitter?!? Let me tell you just a few of my most recent knitting blunders. I have just cast of my first sweater...a raglan sweater knit from the top down. I love it. It's bright purple with stripes (a free pattern on ravelry) and guess's about three inches too short. Now, I measured this sweater, several times...and yet...

A few Christmas' ago, I knit a beautiful poncho for my sister in law. It was knit in cashmere, on round neeldes. I loved it! I cast it off and guess what? Twisted the yarn when I joined the very first row. My husband sat watching me as I twisted the poncho over and over again like some sort of puzzle I had to figure out.

Most recently, my mother is trying, yet again, to teach me how to knit socks (the patience of a saint this woman!). She got smart though, she decided to teach me on double pointed needles instead. I, the challenged knitter, could not, I mean could not, figure out how to join the yarn! In the end, she did it for me...and knit my first couple rows!

So, my share my challenges and passion for knitting with all the other challenged knitters out there! Because loving something doesn't always mean you're good at it!!!

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